Thursday, November 19, 2009

Arrival: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Well, I made it. Exhausted and starving, but I made it. I do believe, minus the red-eye experience, this was the most flawless trip down to date. I arrived at the Cacun airport, got the green light (they literally have a red/green light to determine if they search your bags) and headed to the curb to wait for the bus to take me to the main city bus terminal to catch a bus to Merida. Lots of your typical Cancun tourists and every single one of them hoped in some sort of hotel sponsored van. I was seriously the ONLY one to take the regular old bus. But, mind you, this isn't really just a regular old bus. I'd say it's more like what we see in the states that touring groups are in. It has A/C and movies. was only 40 pesos vs. a $30 cab rid- can't beat that. I was hoping to arrive at the bus station with a bit of time to grab something to eat, but no such luck... the next bus to Merida was leaving in 8 minutes and I was on it! So, with a grumbling tummy, and sleepy eyes I boarded the 4.5 hour bus to Merida. Thankfully I had "stolen" 2 of the blankets they hand out on the plane, as is typical, the A/C was on super high, and of course bad US movies were blaring in dubbed Spanish! The scenery wasn't much, as we went the toll road which is just a long paved highway through no towns...just jungle on either side. However I did see this!

Now, I realize you probably can't see that, it was taken from the bus going 60 mph down the highway but the smaller of the signs says: Starbucks Ahead (with logo). Ugh, and I thought I was leaving America behind! I must have seen at least 5 of them along the highway, but at least they were all concentrated near Cancun itself. The bus arrived in Merida a few minutes to 4:00pm, and Oh. My. God. This city is huge! Anyone reading this who's been to Mexico City is probably laughing at me, but I'm used to small Mexican towns...this place has 1.6 million (verified) people and it is a maze of streets. It took about 20 minutes for the bus to wind it's way through the narrow streets and then it was a quick hop and 40 more pesos in a cab and I had finally arrived at my final resting place for the next 5 days. Luz en Yucatan (look it up if you have time, they have a fun, quirky website). I got checked in (room is palatial) and then off to get some food and a beer as I was famished. I walked across the street, as the hotel recommended it and it was closing at 5pm, and ordered fajitas and a cold Modelo No joke, those may have been the best fajitas I have ever had. I'm a bit embarrassed to say that I then came back to my room, opened a beer that was in my fridge and promptly fell asleep until 7am this morning!
And don't anyone worry that I may feel out of sorts being here, and missing the rats...I woke up to a very large cockroach scuttling across the floor! Ahhh, I'm in Mexico. I wouldn't have it any other way! A quick cold shower and then I'm off to explore for the day...not even sure where to begin, except for sure with coffee...gotta love the Nescafe!


  1. Hey, Jill! Sounds like you're finally able to settle in and relax...even if it's with a cockroach! Ha! Good ol' Mexico. Have fun and I can't wait to see all the pics.

  2. Just followed a link on Deb's blog over to yours--I'm enjoying your postings! I remember posts from your previous trips to Isla on the "boards". Will bookmark & add your blog to my list! Can't wait for the photos.
    Ann "jamqueen"

  3. Just so the cockroach wasn't the size of a rat! Can't wait to hear about your adventures in and around Merida. I've been wanting to go!

  4. Deb- my pics will never compare to yours, but oh well, hopefully you'll get the gist and get yourself down here to do the city justice!

    Jamqueen, i remember your posts on the boards as well- ha! been a long time since i've visited those...thanks for stopping by

    Life's a beach- no not the size of a rat, thank god! but big nonetheless. Merida is amazing...a huge bustling city. No Isla by any means, but beautiful in its own way.
